Tag Archives: how to find yourself

Why I Purposely Failed My A Levels

A-level-students-sit-thei-014I am naturally indecisive; there are moments where I simply can’t make up my mind. Despite this trait, there is one thing that remains certain in my mind: I CANNOT merely exist on this earth. I can’t just live to work and work to live; I feel like there must be more. My purpose isn’t just to study, work, marry, birth, become a grandmother, retire and then depart; no, there must be more. I am convinced that we each have an individual purpose, a reason why we were created by God. This purpose is linked to our gifts and talents which we can use to make difference and influence the world around us. This, to me, is the way we can live life to fullest.
What if I don’t know what I was created on this earth to do? What if I don’t know what my talents or gifts are?

Sometimes it can be hard to know. It certainly was for me. I found out what my gifts were by accident.  I was 16, getting ready to choose my A Levels and began thinking about what I wanted to study at University; I literally changed my mind about 5 times! Originally, I was going to study something Maths-based because I was ‘alright at it’ and my family wanted me to take it further.

But I hated it.

So much so, I purposely failed my exams so I wouldn’t have to take it further (not advisable). When the dust settled, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. I even considered studying English because I had small hopes of becoming a Journalist but something inside of me was dissatisfied; something wasn’t right. I thought about my passions, the things that I naturally did well, without much difficulty, and that I loved doing and it dawned on me: I wanted to study Fashion. It was the perfect choice; I loved making clothes, designing and Textiles. It was for me!

For some, it isn’t easy to discover what your purpose or gifts are. At times, you literally feel as though you are going around in circles in order to discover what you were born to do. One thing I have learnt over time is that as life unfolds, you will realise, piece by piece, what you created for. If it were up to my parents, I wouldn’t be where I am; I wouldn’t have taken the fashion route. Coming from a Nigerian home, a career in fashion is not as ‘ideal’ as becoming a Doctor, Lawyer or an Accountant. Thankfully, I’ve always been the type of person who doesn’t let the opinions of others dictate my decisions. I’m glad that I did what felt right.

I always say that although our parents play a critical role in our lives, God is our creator; He knows what we are most suited for.  People can guide and assist us but ultimately, He has the final say. If you have dream, a passion, a deep desire to do something that you know God wants you to do, don’t let anyone dissuade you or kill your confidence because they do not believe in you.  God’s purpose and plan for your life is more important than people-pleasing. At first, my family didn’t agree with my decision to pursue fashion, but now, years on, they support my passion and I don’t think they could imagine me doing anything else.

If you’re struggling to figure out what your purpose is, here are a few things you could do: 

Think about what you’re good at. What can you do easily that a lot of people can’t do so easily?

What are you most comfortable doing?

What are you passionate about?

What could you spend hours doing without even looking at the clock? (This says a lot.)

What could you do that could be beneficial for another? (Usually your God given gift will help or benefit others, not just yourself)

Your gift doesn’t always have to be a hobby or a side hustle. Don’t limit the skills God has given you. He’s given them to for a reason. You could use your gifts and turn them into your dream job, where you’re fulfilled!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace.

1 Peter 4:10

Precious xxx